I have this bike. It's very fun to ride. The biggest problem I've had with it is numerous broken spokes in the back wheel (it even happened after they sent me a new wheel when I was under warranty).

Two bike stores told me that this is because the wheel has been built with a "single cross" spoke pattern, which is considered sub-par even for normal bicycles, to say nothing of bikes under additional strain from an electric motor. After my fifth broken spoke in 13 months (on two different wheels!) I just spent $200 to get the back wheel re-built with a proper spoke pattern.

I informed Velotric about this. They told me that re-designs were not covered under warranty.

I tried to leave a negative review about it on the Velotric web site, but it was somehow never published.

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How much of the 70-mile range did you get in real world use? Did you use the T1 in unlocked 25 mph mode?

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I was 250 pounds when I was riding the bike for testing and also typically used level 2/3 assist. Most of the time it was fairly flat and I calculated I was seeing something like 45-50 miles on a full charge. I did NOT use it in unlocked faster mode as the default was plenty for me. Thanks.

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The main hill has a grade of something like 13% and is a couple of hundred yards long so I can rarely make it up on an ebike unless the bike has a big motor or is light enough. I cannot make it up the hill on my standard bike. I'm 6'1 and 245-250 pounds so I was very impressed that I could power up the hill with no throttle assist on the T1. It's a fantastic ebike that rides and looks like a regular bike.

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What's the hill like by your house. I live up in newcastle, wa about 450 feet above the lake and would like to commute to downtown. It's a bit much without assistance even with my road bike that has mountain low gears on it. I'm 6'2 250...

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Awesome right up and that thing looks awesome, even though we all know you used the force to lift it.

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